Truths from an old cabin

When you leave something unattended too long, the earth eventually reclaims its land. 


Somewhere beneath the concave remnants of this old cabin is a metaphor for life. Whether you consider yourself a spiritual person, or whether you feel you are making the sojourn on this planet purely on your own, there is truth in the notion that if you aren't building, you are decaying. 

Wait! You say. I'm tired. I just need a rest. Can't I just coast for a while? Life can be so relentless. But that's just it: Life is relentless in every sense of the word. Time marches onward. It doesn't stop. You change and grow and age without even trying. Sometimes without even noticing. But if you want to withstand the pressures of life, if you want to truly succeed, you have to keep building, fixing, cleaning, maintaining. 

Trying. Failing. Trying again. Progressing. 

Giving up and standing still simply isn't an option for those who hope to achieve. The planet never stops turning, even when we need a break. And when you abandon your goals, or your life, well, this cabin shows what can happen.